Creating the entity and map configuration

This game has the configuration; the stuff that actually defines how the game plays and what maps are available, from the engine. The engine is obviously essentially a load of code and is the thing that would actually be downloaded from a mobile app store and is the thing that I will be putting a load of work into. As I want that flexibility, the configuration cannot live in the code as otherwise if I or anyone else wanted to add any new maps or entities then you would need to create an update to the app (everyone hates lots of updates…). This could be frequent and I don’t want the app having constant updates, not to mention if there is more than one person working on maps and entities at the same time then it would be unmaintainable.

What is the solution here? It is to host the configuration remotely and have the game itself pull the configuration say when the app starts or the user wants to download a new set of maps etc. Ideally I would like multiple people to contribute to the game in these ways by coming up with cool new entities and maps and graphics. Luckily there are already lots of tools that are particularly good at managing a load of files with multiple contributes – git! So the plan is to have a public git repository which will hold the configuration for all the game essentially where people can contribute to. The game engine will pull files as required down from that git repository and of course all of the power of git can be used to manage the config on the server side.

In fact, here is the current public repository which I am using: Please feel free to have a peruse and get involved!

Although this may change in the future, it certainly works for now and allows me to make a build of the game as a completely separate process to tinkering with the configuration that is being run. So far all of the configuration is hand done, manually constructing the structure and figuring out where things go. In the future, I would love to make a sandbox within the game itself where entities can be edited and maps created. Those could eventually get pushed up to the configuration repository so could be consumable by other people. These however are all ideas for the long long backlog…

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