With the alpha version of the game pretty much complete, new game modes are being added as the ‘content’ of the game is only a couple of maps currently. The most recent is the ‘Medieval’ game mode which is a classic style of traditional warfare with swordsmen, archers and catapults etc.
Here is a demo of the gameplay from two AI players battling. It is just a few units put on a map and no interesting terrain yet but just an illustration of what is possible.
These are sample graphics and only a few units added so far but it does show the power of the engine as this was achieved in a few hours. More impressively the AI is not half bad considering that it is currently still completely untrained and has not been altered in any way for this game mode!
It is so easy to add new game modes using the configuration system and achieving this is pretty straight forward when you get a grips of the structures of the configuration files.
Also another disclaimer is that the timings of the AI turns are a bit quick and currently the units effectively throw particle effects at each other (which can land when the unit has already been registered as defeated!). All of these are just things that I have not got round to improving yet!